We are thrilled by the news that the George Town Literary Festival has won the London Book Fair’s Literary Festival Award 2018! This is such a positive affirmation of the literary scene in Malaysia, and a tribute to the hard work of the festival’s many tireless organisers. Our heartiest congratulations!
“This is a win for culture, for literature, for free speech and expression. This is a win for discourse, diversity and conversation. This is a win for Penang, for George Town, for all who love literary festivals and for all who love our festival. This is a win for Malaysia, for what we are, and what we can be. This is a win for all, for all of us who love the word and what it represents to us, to SE Asia, to the world. This is a huge honour for the work we have done, and the work that we will continue to do. Thank you ALL so very, very much,”
Bernice Chauly, Festival Director of the George Town Literary Festival.