The Temiars Of The Puyan River Vol 1


Author: David P Quinton
ISBN: 9781739134419
Format: Paperback

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SKU: 9781739134419 Categories: ,


This is the story of a Temiar community in the Kelantan hinterland. Never before has it been told in such detail and clarity, even though anthropologists have been intrigued with the Temiars for over a hundred years. It is a story of their survival in the deep rain forest of the Malayan Peninsula, from time immemorial to the present, living according to a ritual and social system taught to them through dreams, whereby they could placate the adverse spiritual entities of the wild and live peaceably as part of a strong ethnic group. Their dependence on natural resources has bonded them to the forest for millennia, and this is the lifestyle they seek to preserve today. Ten years of interaction with these true guardians of the forest has enabled David P. Quinton to piece together the facets of an unseen belief system and learn what makes them at one with their environment. He has also uncovered a wealth of knowledge that the Temiars possess of natural species and their uses.

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David P Quinton


