THE BIG BOOK OF MALAYSIAN HORROR STORIES takes us from terrors that are mythological and historical to contemporary and technological. The biggest Fixi Novo anthology yet is set in various states in Malaysia, but the most common states are Darul Distress and Negeri Scary. These brand-new stories are complemented by Chin Yew’s equally spooky illustrations.
Featuring the following writers:
ATIKAH Wahid, BISSME S., Adrian CHASE, Joni CH’NG, Eileyn CHUA, CHUA Kok Yee, HADI M. Nor, ISMIM Putera, IZADDIN Syah Yusof, Nat KANG, Venoo KUPPUSAMY, LAI May Senn, Joshua LIM (twice!), Ethan MATISA, MUTHUSAMY Pon Ramiah, NADIAH Zakaria, NURUL HAFIZAH, PAUL GNANASELVAM, RAJA UMMI NADRAH, Reuel RAWAT, RIZAL Ramli, SAAT Omar, Nathaniel SARIO, TINA Ishak, Terence TOH, Malachi Edwin VETHAMANI, WONG Jo-yen, YANNA Hashri and Collin YEOH.